'No one should be above the law'
Readers' take on Salman Khan
State your views!
Is Salman Doomed?
Mon Sep 30 23:26:59 2002
Country:Boston, US
Your Views:The sad part is he
will be allowed to get away as he was let go in the past. As i see him, he is a
spolied brat which needs to be sent to his proper place (prison) in order to
protect the society. We will be setting wrong trends by allowing him to bounce
back again. He is not a kid who does not understand laws of the land. No person
should be above the law.
Mon Sep 30 20:41:08 2002
Your Views:Anyone can have accidents.
Its just media's love-hate relationship with him. They love to hate him and
write bad about him.
Mon Sep 30 20:42:14 2002
Your Views:This guy needs to be taught a
lesson in a hurry. BUt unfortunatey in India that will never happen. In a
country where the enforcement of law is a function of the amount of money one
has, this idiot will get off again. His utter and complete disregard of the law
as evidenced in his poaching case, his consorting with numerous shadowy and not
so shadowy thugs and now this... Unfortunately ways of getting out of the paying
for one's crimes has also become widely known thanks to appalling witness
tampering that has happened in prominent cases in India - Jessica Lal, Nanda et
al. So go ahead Salman Khan its ok - once you get off all this will be treated
as childish mischief and we shall hear from the press again how soft hearted you
really are - how misunderstood and how terribly vulnerable and hurt you are.
After all we have heard those lines about another scoundrel of from Bollywood
too. Sanjay Dutt. So make merry Salman Khan. The laws of the land do not apply
to you.
Mon Sep 30 20:45:36 2002
City, Country:usa, hartford
Views:Whether he is doomed or will bounce back is a different issue.He
should be punished for the recent killing
Mon Sep 30 20:46:07 2002
City, Country:NJ, USA
Views:I think the actors have started taking law for granted. Sanjay ,
Puru and now Salman. They play with law. They should be punished so that such
crimes doesnt take place again and innocent people and animals be survived from
these so called Heroes/anti-scocial elements !! .
Mon Sep 30 20:59:45 2002
City, Country:Jabalpur,India
Views:Salman needs to be dealt with sympathetically.He needs some kind
words and wise counselling.Let the law take its own course.
Mon Sep 30 21:03:06 2002
Your Views:I think the police have
dealt very softly with salman. He should be given the toughest sentence
according to law. He has commited the offence and did not even bother to enquire
about the family of the injured. This is not the first time the actor has done
wrong.His escape from law will create a way to wrong people like salman and
sanjay dutt .this should be stopped.
Mon Sep 30 21:11:17 2002
Country:Karlsruhe, Germany
Your Views:I hope he'll
boune back and top the charts once again n then Ais will repent for what she did
with him!!
Mon Sep 30 21:14:57 2002
City, Country:Manglore
Views:Dear all salman has no moral right tp recieve any sort Security
from Govt, he is a man without any responsibility & fear of any one ,he
previously had killed animals in rajastan,now killed an innocent Person
Mon Sep 30 21:19:58 2002
Country:batley, united kingdom
Your Views:salman
needs to be made an example of, it needs to be shown that no person can not get
away with that sort of behavior, not even a famous actor. He has killed someone
and i think it is time people took his behaviour seriously. Something needs to
be done about him before he does something else.
Mon Sep 30 21:26:14 2002
City, Country:Dallas, USA
Views:Salman has in the past contributed his bit to indian cinema. Now
that he is going through a rough patch, the media should not rub it in. Stop
dogging him and let him lead his personal life without interference or mud
Mon Sep 30 21:28:29 2002
Country:aligarh, U.P
Your Views:If Salman is not
doomed, he should be doomed. His behaviour has been appaling during the recent
episode when he ran over his vehicle killing one and injuring three pavement
dewellers. Who cares if he is rich, famous and influential. You need to respect
others and their lives, specially the poor and downtrodden. He must be taught a
good lesson or two which should serve as a pointer to others in his bracket of
fi-hi living.
Mon Sep 30 21:29:24 2002
Country:Cambridge, Canada
Your Views:I think Salman
Khan is a bit frustated by his affair and that hurts him very much that Ash is
not supporting him at this time. He is also a human and every man cannot stand
still in such situation as he is in one. I think someone should help him out of
this frustration may be his family members? I think he was best and can be once
again best if there is someone there at the other end to help him out.
Mon Sep 30 21:34:58 2002
City, Country:Denver, USA
Views:It is amazing how everyone is talking only about his career. What
about the man he killed and the others he maimed? Should'nt this guy be in jail?
He is a murderer for God's sake!
Mon Sep 30 21:43:00 2002
Your Views:He should not be allowed
to go free this time... he is a menace to the society (both to humans and
animals) first killing black bucks and now killing a man.
Mon Sep 30 21:43:16 2002
Country:Hollywood, Ca
Your Views:I cannot believe
the press around this foreign film Marigold, if it really is such big news how
come there is no actual news on it. Everything I have read about it is purely
speculation, even by the director, his quotes are marred with bits like "seems
like the right fit" etc. I agree that Salman is at rock bottom, even Jean Claude
Van Damme got out of making HIS bad movies, now the few films he does go straigh
to video! The only difference is that Salman Khan never reached the pinnalce of
success that Van Damme achieved, and that isn't saying much! Sorry the truth
hurts sometimes! On the other hand, Salman can always start working for the
World Wild Life Relief Fund or the People for the Ethical Treatment of
Mon Sep 30 21:43:22 2002
Country:New York, USA
Your Views:Stop wasting
precious space on your web site by asking people to vote on such frivolous
topics. Don't you guys have anything better to ask people to do - think about
the problems the country is facing and encourage people to express their views
on how we can fix these issues together as a nation, rather than asking people
on whether a spoilt brat is doomed and if or not he can bounce back.
Mon Sep 30 21:44:50 2002
City, Country:Mumbai, India
Views:I feel he will bounce back. He is a good actor. He is frusterated
in love. He needs good counselling. With good counselling he will regain his
balance and I am sure with his family's love and backing, his graph will once
again rise to high pinnacles.
Mon Sep 30 21:49:11 2002
Country:Pune, India
Your Views:He should pay for
the expenses and take care of the victims families till they are up on their
feet and find a job. The pathetic bail procedure has to be reviewed. He should
also pay a huge fine for reckless driving and also contribute to the Kitty Fund
of the hospital.
Mon Sep 30 21:50:17 2002
Your Views:I think Salman
Khan is a overrated actor. He is India's answer to Mike Tyson. Both of them
share an IQ in single digits. I think Salman will get away with crime and as
film watching public we need to boycott his films.
Mon Sep 30 21:53:15 2002
Your Views:Probably he is not able to
differentiate between the real and the reel life and needs some counselling
Mon Sep 30 21:54:52 2002
Country:New Delhi
Your Views:I think Salman should
be sentenced to severe punishment .A leason should be taught to such people that
there is no one above the law or else these people would get away easily.
Mon Sep 30 22:00:27 2002
Your Views:I don't know why is the
media making all this fuss.Accidents could happend to any of us and acording to
the police report Salman tried to avoide hitting the sleeping persons,so why
treating him like a criminal.He is like us a humane who make mistakes,and he run
away because of the people throw stones on him.We know that Salman helped many
poor people,accidents victums,so why forgetten all these .I hope he come clear
from this problem and continue his life and I'm sure he will help the injured
people as well as the died man family.
Mon Sep 30 22:02:49 2002
Country:Sunnyvale, USA
Your Views:He should be
booked for First Degree Murder and either should be given life sentence or death
penalty, not neglegent driving. Only then the poor man in the country will feel
that the justice is for all. Just a dream as these things only happen in the
Mon Sep 30 22:07:48 2002
Country:Austin, USA
Your Views:I think Salman
should not be given so much of harsh publicity or media scrutiny. Leave people
alone, they will sort their lives. Honestly, they dont need my views or yours to
handle their life. We wouldnt want others prying into ours, would we?
Mon Sep 30 22:08:33 2002
Your Views:Salman Khan should not be
excused because of his star status. How could anyone be this callous? Running
over people and not even bothering to take them to the hospital? He should be
punished by law. Criminals like him should notbe let scot-free. Conducting an
alcohol test several hours later will not help, we all know that. and the amount
for th bail is a meagre Rs 950? How sick!!! What an eye-wash!!!
Mon Sep 30 22:08:46 2002
Country:Kentucky, USA
Your Views:Hello all, I
usually dont care about people like khan, but this time i felt like i need to
voice my feelings towards that insane & disgusting person. How could he kill
2 people, injure 2 others and go out of bail for just Rs.950. Did he buy all the
police in Delhi, and his lawyer's statement that he didnt drive is absolutely
ridiculous. If thats the case then probably i can injure salman and get out with
Rs. 1000. Its pathetic that a man's worth is less than 1000 rupees these days.
Its a horrible thing to do. If i were in Bombay i would fight for justice. I
appeal to all the masses in Bombay to raise their voice and make sure that those
people who are injured are compensated( thats the least we can do).
Mon Sep 30 22:11:18 2002
Country:New Jersey, US.
Your Views:As long as this
country has no laws for politicians and actors, these things are going to happen
again and again. Always a politician or Actor can get away with anything in
India. This can happen only in our country. Unbelievable.. Bail of Rs.950/-.
This would be his shoe-lace money. Is the justice department have any heart or
soul in giving bail to an asshole like Salman. He killed a deer last year, and
now he is improved to kill a human. Until unless he kills Bal Thackrey he is not
going to jail for even 1 day. As soon as this crap has killed other people, the
people should have got in charge and beat him to death right there. Whenever
there is no law, please people, get some balls to penalise the person right in
the same place. God Bless India.
Mon Sep 30 22:12:38 2002
City, Country:Houston,
Your Views:Salman Khan needs some immediate Pschyatric
Counselling.Without this, he will keep committing controversaries like this and
comes good of it with money power.I dont mind,if he bounces back..but he
shouldnt commit the same mistakes and blunder again.He shouldnt think that the
Whole World is for him only. Salman should take a break and cleanse his MENTAL
Mon Sep 30 22:15:48 2002
Country:Dc, USA
Your Views:Let us not see his
movies and send him a message saying, we Indians respect only the people who
respect this country and not a fool. Kudos to Bhujabal who ordered an enquiry.
Mon Sep 30 22:17:43 2002
Your Views:salman should be
punsihed lest it sets a bad example.the rich and glamorous should be made to
know that they are not above law.by god,this is democracy,and people especially
people who have suffered should be adequately compensated .but to let salman go
scot free is a crime agianst hmuanity.where are the NHRC people who make a hue
and cry about non-existent human right violations against the armed forces every
now and then.let the suffered be rendered justice.if not god save india and its
people from the rich and glamorous
Mon Sep 30 22:22:40 2002
Your Views:I think the media is
making a big fuss of the Salman accident.He is like us humane who make
mistaks,so why not him.Why we forget that Salman helped many poor people every
year,helping injured persons in several accidents.And acording to the police
report Salman didn't try to ran away because he was afraid,but because of the
people who was throwing stones on him.And I think we should wait and see what
will happend.I will pray for the victumes and for Salman,and I'm sure that
Salman will help the injured people as well as the died man's family.
Mon Sep 30 22:22:50 2002
Your Views:What!!! this guy is out on
bail for just Rs. 950..whats going on in our country? how can this manslaugther
walk out for just 950 Rs. what kind of law is this? I don't know how to show my
anger..Lock this guy first now immediately..we need action not words and also I
believe that neither he or nor his family members have visited the victims
family and helped them financially..hang this person..
Mon Sep 30 22:23:45 2002
City, Country:Detroit, USA
Views:I am very much dismayed by the arrogant attitude of these rich
actors. Well it seems they can get away with all their bad and dirty actions. I
wish there is more pulic pressure to ensure that all guilty people have to pay
the price. Even if Salman was found to be not guilty, he should have had the
basic courtesy and decency to pay a reasonable compensation to the injured and
the dead. I wish he learns his lesson soon.
Mon Sep 30 22:28:34 2002
Your Views:Nothings going to happen to
salman khan, he'll get away scott free. If any of us lesser mortals would've
done something like this. The police would've had our asses for breakfast,
lunch, dinner and snacks in between. This is India people, yaha paisa bolta hai
Mon Sep 30 22:32:49 2002
Country:San Francisco, USA
Your Views:this stupid
arrogant guy, Salman should be taught a lesson.! what is the point of having a
justice system, if we can't enforce it.! this guy has shown that he is above the
law in multitude of occasions.! He killed someone and he is out on bail for
Rs.950.? This is making a mockery of indian justice system..
Mon Sep 30 22:35:05 2002
Your Views:of course he is a
celebrety. he is rich and he can buy anything at any level. it does not mean
that he can do anything. any common man will say he should be punished for what
he has done to a poor men and i pray for the execution of punishment on him even
to hang him till death.
Mon Sep 30 22:37:30 2002
Name:R J Kumar
Your Views:I have seen 1000's of
messages asking for severe punishment to salman. Dear Reader, why to waste our
time, nothing is going to Happen, another one year he will commit another crime,
once again you and me will be typing the same message. Request to rediff.com,
Dear Editor, can you send all our mesages to SC Judges, PM and The President ?
Mon Sep 30 22:38:05 2002
Name:Prabir K.
City, Country:Tampa, USA
Views:I think more than Salman Khan's film career, we need to focus on
his crimes. In India, unlike any developed country, celebreties can openly flout
the law and get away with it. We need to remember that one human being is dead
because of him. The ones injured will probably be disabled for the rest of their
lives. We should talk about that, not what stupid film he may or may not act in
Mon Sep 30 22:39:21 2002
Name:Dr seema
City, Country:DC USA
Your Views:I
hope salman khan does not get away this time.I think he is old enough to
understand the implications of his actions and has to take resposnsibility for
them .To run away from the scene and to actually accuse the bodyguard of doing
something he did not, especially when its a crime so large in magnitude, is the
most cowardly and unethical thing to do. I am suprised and completely baffled as
to how someone with even of iota of conscience in him can do something like
this. It was even sadder to read about his brother coming back to retrive the CD
player from the car, not even once asking about the roadside dwellers who were
hit.It really is a very sad state of affairs that we have no humanity left in
our country, and the rich can get away with murder, and after all this salman
khan could get away on a bond of Rs 980!! I am sure even a bed in the hospital
would cost more than that. It is also quite redundant to conduct test for
alcohol level the next day!! Alcohol tests have to be conducted at the time of
the accident,it is redundant to go thorugh the process the next day. Does this
make sense to anyone? I think that poor man on the street who was killed and the
others who are seriously injured deserve some justice.Salman khan should get the
maximum term assigned for manslaugther,and someone should tell him to grow up
and FAST.
Mon Sep 30 22:45:48 2002
Your Views:Salman khan is
doomed and there should be no second thought about that.He is a very
irresponsible human being...well,that is if we can call him a "human being" in
the first place.he has proved this over and over again,be it the black buck
killing case or the current drunk driving case.he should not get away with any
wrong doing just because he is a film actor and a rich man.law is equal for the
rich and the poor but our judicial system doesn't seem to think so..he should
not get away with what he has done under any circumstances.we have seen how the
judicial system doesn't pardon even presidents in other countries like the USA
and that's why people have faith in law in those countries...i sincerely wish
that salman khan gets his due..what goes around comes around too and he should
realise that.
Mon Sep 30 22:46:12 2002
Country:New Brunswick,USA
Your Views:Salman is Rich
& Famous. This Would be Another case of Rich & Famous Getting away with
Money.. I am Begining to think the MEDIA is Getting Powerful in Bringing justice
to Common Man.. i will have to wait and see what the media can do .? If it were
in my hands ill have salman Arrested and put him in JAIL.
Mon Sep 30 22:53:40 2002
Country:chicago, USA
Your Views:"The reality is
that there is no justice for poor. If I had done the same thing, I would have
been languishing in jail for life and the police would have questioned me and
harassed me. But Salman was out on bail in just two hours." I think this is a
fact. Killing a person is a very serious crime and he should be punished the
same way as an ordinary citizen of india committing the same crime. Being a
movie star does not give privileges to kill people.
Mon Sep 30 22:55:45 2002
City, Country:USA
Your Views:It is
the time one boycott's Salman's movies. He has a least amount of humanity in
him. What do you call a person who runs his car over a bunch of people, fleeds
the scene, gets out on bail, does not even bother to visit the injured in the
hospital ? Terrorist in disguise. He should be given a life sentence. He is a
shame not just to humanity, but to animal kingdom as well, a poacher who kills
endangered spieces and gets away. Let's boycott his movies.
Mon Sep 30 22:56:39 2002
Country:BayArea, USA
Your Views:PLEASE! PLEASE!...
kick this rogue from the industry. I request all fellow concerned citizens to
boycott his movies. This is the way only way we can clean our industry from this
kind of burdenful guys to our motherland.
Mon Sep 30 23:00:02 2002
Your Views: I am surpized how
stupidly the recent articles are being written. A classic case where most of the
article writers are worried about what happens to Salman. Of course thats what
sells, and whatever sells is of interest to journalists. Although Jha does not
condone what Salman has done, but articles like this take the focus away from
the crime. Its turning into a bollywood entertainment story. Mr. Jha, please
stop this sickening series. What heppened to Sanjay dutt has nothing to do with
Salman. Even if Sanjay did not get proper punishment, it does not mean Salman
should get away. By the way: Sanjay Dutt suffered 100 times of what Salman ever
had. Just to refresh your memory, try to pull up accounts of his jail time. Mr
Jha, please, at this time do not talk of what happened with aishwarya. Or what
happened with Shahrukh, or how disturbed Salman is. Its a case of people Salman
killing someone, because others' life is not something that concerns him.
Mon Sep 30 23:01:47 2002
Country:Santa Clara, CA
Your Views:How can you be
so flippant and solicit readers' view regarding Salman's career when he has
killed one person and severely injured 3 more?. You should be baying at Salman's
heels and be calling for justice and championing the rights of the dead and the
injured. Instead, you are talking about Salman's career when the lives and
livelihood of several have been snatched away. Unless justice is done and also
seen to be done for the poor people affected by Salman's actions, there should
be NO career for him.
Mon Sep 30 23:07:21 2002
City, Country:Los Angeles, USA.
Views:No. Salman is not doomed. He has both, financial muscle as well
as underworld muscle on his side, against which neither the common people who
got injured can do anything, nor the government will dare. He is in a position
to call the shots. Take this (the sum of money offered) to keep quiet, or take
nothing and be quietened by the underworld guys, who will kill for as little as
5-10 thousand. The injured ones have no option but to accept the monetary offer
(read promise??!!) and keep quiet.
Mon Sep 30 23:09:25 2002
Your Views:who cares,what
salman does!! let us worry about the country and issues we have.
Mon Sep 30 23:09:26 2002
Country:Hampton, USA
Your Views:In a country, where
scum bags rule and get away with anything, Salman will too. Is Azharuddin and a
long list of politicians do, why won't Salman. And I am sure the idiot fans will
continue to go to his movies.
Mon Sep 30 23:09:51 2002
Country:Calcutta, India
Your Views:Bounce back?
Time and time again, he has shown how irresponsible he is! This is the limit!
Just because he is a film star, I am sure he will get out of this without any
problems and will be back to his usual antics. This is such a shame for the
whole country! Law and Order are the mistress of the rich and influential.
Mon Sep 30 23:10:00 2002
Country:Mumbai, India
Your Views:Looking at
previous examples such as the Puru Raajkumar case where Puru Raajkumar had
killed more people by drinking and driving, I believe Salman Khan will be go
unscathed. He may have to spend a few nights in jail but a conviction looks
unlikely. This is a country where connections can be used all the way to divert
the course of the law.
Mon Sep 30 23:12:14 2002
Your Views:Hey
Editor, I would like to help those guy(s) who got involved in that accident in
the smallest way I can. Could you/rediff be a medium in passing on that help? I
really felt sad when I read that one of the victims had just spared Rs 1000/-
from the last couple of months to send back to his parents. Unfortunately, it is
almost the same amount that got Salman his bail! It really is worth contributing
my might in helping him recover his life in whatever way I can! I wonder whether
the other readers would be interested. Lastly, no matter how much you curse
Salman( or any other like Nanda or Puru Raj Kumar), I feel that this death
WILL be on his conscious throughout his life time. Waiting for a positive
Mon Sep 30 23:18:01 2002
Country:florida, USA
Your Views:Salman should be
behind bars...people need to take to the streets on this issue..rich guys like
him need to be told they can't get away. Activists are u listening..he ought to
have posted a heavy bail something around 10 lakhs or so..he murdered
someone..he should be punished..he killed deers and got away..it is sad. We have
to protest and ensure he serves in jail and pay compensation to the hurt. I have
vowed never to see his movies..so should other indians..how can one respect such
a man..will he be success ? He is a LOSER and coward!!!
Mon Sep 30 23:20:17 2002
City, Country:Mumbai, India
Views:I think the man is on the path of self destruction, he actually
has it all money, physique, star status, but i think he is still unsatisfied.It
is going to take a lot of work from him to bounce back and create a good
impression. People in India are forgiving but this time they may have run out of
patience. As of now i think he is gone....
Mon Sep 30 23:23:52 2002
Country:Hartford, USA
Your Views:Reading the
article make me wonder if sycophancy and hero worship intermingled with
corruption has brought down our legal system to such a low that our people is
loosing faith in it. A country whose constitution makes it welfare state with a
strong legal system. Otherwise it beyond my comprehension that how peoples like
Salman is allowed to move around freely where he should be at least be charged
with manslaughter. Nevertheless, it is sad where Salman (The Barer) Khan is
concerned the blindfolded lady is going to have extreme difficulty in seeing the
impoverished Shaikh or Muslim or even Late Behra.
Mon Sep 30 23:24:42 2002
Country:Los Angeles, CA
Your Views:The law, the
Indian version of it, that is, will prevail. In other words, nothing will
happen! Celebrities with buying power get away with anything and everything. As
for his film career, I certainly hope he gets to pay for his behavior in this
aspect. But, chances are, Indian audiences will still be receptive to him, and
he will bounce back.
Mon Sep 30 23:26:25 2002
Country:Boston, US
Your Views:The sad part is he
will be allowed to get away as he was let go in the past. As i see him, he is a
spolied brat which needs to be sent to his proper place (prison) in order to
protect the society. We will be setting wrong trends by allowing him to bounce
back again. He is not a kid who does not understand laws of the land. No person
should be above the law.
Mon Sep 30 23:26:29 2002
Country:Dallas, US
Your Views:These rich people
always get away. He should be treated like a convict and should be imprisoned
for life.
Mon Sep 30 23:28:05 2002
Your Views:It’s bad that such an
accident happened. But accidents can happen with anyone...and the consequences
can be real bad too. But one cant judge people because they have done something
bad..they have also done good things too and ofcourse, as the saying goes, when
You cry You Cry alone and on one supports. Words can be really harmful..and love
can make anyone do anything..not to forget the arrogant behaviour of Madam ASH.
Treat the people you “once loved” with some care and things wont be that bad and
people understand...Salman will bounce back. . Well, if you want to hate..hate
people like Sanjay Dutt..who were deliberately (mind you NO accident) involved
in killings and boom blasts.
Mon Sep 30 23:32:39 2002
Country:manila, Philippines
Your Views:salman
khan's life has been so public. everyone knows him. Aishwarya rai also knew it
well. Why then she even had a relationship with him? Whom should we blame!
Mon Sep 30 23:35:05 2002
City, Country:NC ,USA
Views:In my opinion Salman should be punished like any ordinary man and
should be put into prison . His career has already doomed. He is one of the most
irresponsible man in Bollywood and he has no chance of comming back up.
Mon Sep 30 23:52:37 2002
Name:P D
Country:Edison Nj
Your Views:I think a lot is being
said about Salmans fate. But nobody is bothered about the fate ofthe poor
victims who were hit by Salmans vehicle. It is surprising that even the press
has not said any thing about the poor pavement dwellers whose life is affected
so badly. It only happens in india. I wish some one takes up the cause of the
poor pavement dwellers and make Salman pay for it. Well what are the human
rights orgn doing now. Or they just get inot action when the cops kill some none
underworld gangsters in encounters. But what about these poor guys. Did they not
have human rights. If the human rights group anre not just an extension of the
mafia they should take up this case. PD
Tue Oct 1 00:00:12 2002
City, Country:United States of America
Views:Salman is one hell of a spoilt brat who has no respect for
animals, women...human beings in general. It is clear that he did not mean to
kill anyone, but his biggest crime which shows what a weak and spineless guy he
is was that he ran away from the spot without bothering about the people who
were crying out bleeding in front of him. Which human being with a conscience
would do that?? He again ran away from the police which shows him in a poorer
light. Has he even bothered to inquire how the injured guys are? Has his family
done anything for them? Have they thought of Nuru Behra's mother back in the
village? And is 950rs. any amount for Salman to get bail? I'm sure his dogs eat
food worth Rs. 950 every day. Is that the price of a life?? I'm disgusted at the
Indian judicial system. I'm sure he'll get away like Puru Raj Kumar and actress
Tanuja did... he's a slimeball who'll do anything and get away only to be a
menace to society all over again. He's killed animals, hurt women, killed a man,
bashed up people..what more does he want to do? I hope he has the decency to at
least help the people he injured..but won't be surprised if he doesn't... I
think his brothers coming to pick up the CD player is even more disgusting than what Salman did..I always thought they were sober, mature guys. And these are the
people we hero-worship...DISGUSTING... Disgusting...
Tue Oct 1 00:04:36 2002
Country:Maryland, USA
Your Views:If it is correct
that Salman did commit the crime, then he should be treated exactly the same as
any other criminal would be treated. In fact, being a publicly known person,
such persons should have more responsibility and integrity towards the society.
Such persons should be dealt with sternly and no leverage should be given. Money
begets ignorance and arrogance!
Tue Oct 1 00:09:33 2002
Country:Dallas, USA
Your Views:He has exceeded all
the concessions that are awarded to film celebrities on our country. It is about
time that he is made to take responsibility for his actions. Just the fact that
it took him 8 hours to surrender to the police is evidence that he was drunk.
With cases of battering girl friends, killing endangered birds and now murder,
it is about time that this guy be labelled as a menace to society and put behind
Tue Oct 1 00:09:42 2002
Your Views:I don't not see any reason
that he can't bounce back. As far as killing a man on road is concern, it's
country's law and enforcement problem not Salman Khan.
Tue Oct 1 00:10:30 2002
Your Views:He got away during the
Rajasthan incident itself. He must have been behind the bars. He is an useless
actor by any standards. His affair with Rai is not really enchanting for the
public as it may appear. He can not kill someone knowingly (knowing the fact
that by driving a car after drinking will cause trouble for others) and get away
because of his background. I know, his minority background will come into
picture as it did when he killed rare animals in Rajasthan forest. I would not
be sad if he is punished for a long term sentence. His wealth must be abducted
and must be given to those poor victims. No one cares about his love affair with
some actress.
Tue Oct 1 00:15:01 2002
Country:DC, USA
Your Views:I don't why authorities
are sparing him. He should be behind the bars. Rs. 950 for bail. What a
Tue Oct 1 00:16:35 2002
Country:Seattle USA
Your Views:The value of a human
life in India is less than Rs 1000? Sad! Law must be the same for all
Tue Oct 1 00:16:40 2002
Name:Dr. Hari
City, Country:Starkville, MS, USA
Views:He should be brought to justice for what he did after drunk
drivibng? But I doubt it very much because of his influence and most likely he
will get away from this crime. In our country, poor have no say in anything.
This is an example.
Tue Oct 1 00:20:25 2002
Your Views:salmans arrogance and his
apathy towards others will come back to haunt him. This could be his last
escapade. Slicing a blackbuck's throat and driving one's car over hapless
individuals and then running/hiding unlike a 'hero'is unbecoming of a person who
has a responsible position. It's time to pay.
Tue Oct 1 00:23:06 2002
City, Country:New York, USA
Views:I will be happy if Salman Khan's career is doomed. He should have
been behind the bars long ago for killing the protected animals. If he is left
free that shows the failure of our law and police. I want him to serve in the
jail for the two killings. I want Dutt, the other movie actor with don friends,
to be his fellow cell mate in the prison.
Tue Oct 1 00:25:03 2002
City, Country:United States
Views:I wish a day will come when everyone, rich or poor are treated
equally under law. If Salman can so easily get away for murder then we should be
ashamed of ourselves as a society and a country.
Tue Oct 1 00:49:55 2002
City, Country:Bandra
Views:Spoilt is one word to describe him. Put him behind bars for the
rest of his muscle flexing days. Or better still make him sleep on Bandra's
pavements till one of us runs him over.
Tue Oct 1 00:58:26 2002
City, Country:Mumbai, INDIA
Views:Salman Khan is an actor. Above all other mere mortals. He should
be allowed to roam free. Anyway, atleast that is what is finally going to
happen. Already, it is being "said" that he was NOT driving the vehicle. Also,
the police waited too long before administering the alcohol analyzer test. What
else is left. After sometime no one will care.
Tue Oct 1 01:09:09 2002
Your Views:salman khan is a villain in
real life. how can anyone say that he is a fan of salman khan. The man who dont
have control on himself, acsuses and abuses in public. Evidently these are not
the traits of a gentleman. How come the young guys consider him macho man and
gals say he is a sex symbol. Well his actions clearly doesnt reflect any of
those. It's time that everyone wake up from their closed shell and favor a man
who lacks humanity.
Tue Oct 1 01:11:08 2002
City, Country:Milwaukee, USA
Views:It may have been just an accident but his irresponsible and
inhumane behavior is both a criminal and shameful act. I just hope he gets
punishment. There should be more stringent laws to curb drunk driving in
India.On a more personal note, I dont think I will be watching any Salman movies
any more, to me he is doomed for sure!
Tue Oct 1 01:17:23 2002
Your Views:Rs. 950 bail??? Where
is the justice in that ? Predictably Salman will walk away...may be to play the
role of an honest guy who sleeps on the pavement...
Tue Oct 1 01:28:19 2002
Your Views:This is most disgusting
and careless act and a serious crime that cannot be overlooked. How can get you
so drunk as drive over a few innocent people sleeping on the pavement. And the
most unpardonable act is that the crime-doers did not care for the victims and
fled the scene leaving the affected on the road and let them dies. If the rediff
reports are right, I hear that Salman's brother cam eback a few mins after the
accident and took the most valuable item from teh wrecked car -- a CD player.
Apparently this was more valuable to him thatn the lives of those suffering.
Tue Oct 1 01:28:20 2002
Country:Washington DC, USA
Your Views:He has lost
touch with the humanity. The incident should have happened in country like USA
where he would have learnt a lesson for life.
Tue Oct 1 01:37:50 2002
Country:LA, CA
Your Views:"Will Salman bounce
back?", from where his personal life or in career? Yes. He will come back in
both, because he has money power. He can easily get-away with all the charges
just like that. What matters is how much is going to pay to the politicians/ law
enforcement officials. Everyone is interested in Salman. What about the one died
and his dreams(if he had any). Hope atleast this time, he will get punished for
what he did.
Tue Oct 1 01:56:46 2002
Country:San Mateo, CA
Your Views:This case would
generate lot of publicity. But sooner or later it would die like all other
cases. Unless Govt puts down its foot and makes law same for all.
Tue Oct 1 01:57:49 2002
Your Views: Let us not waste our
thoughts on such a thoughtless person. He is a no brainer.
Tue Oct 1 02:06:44 2002
Your Views:People like Salman
Khan and Sanjay Dutt should be put behind bars for all the crimes they
committed...I can not believe we treat them like celebrities and still go and
watch their movies. They get away with murder? People wake up....
Tue Oct 1 02:12:42 2002
Country:California, USA
Your Views:Salman's sliding
career aside, this is another example of the powerplay and unabashed
irresponsibility displayed by the corrupt, yet glorified, megalomaniacs from
Bollywood. Let us not accept this as another example of "how things are" and use
this to lay the foundation for "how things can be." I hope Salman does not get
away with this act of careless and deadly endeavor. He is a menace to society -
both as an actor or otherwise - and should be put away for a whil to give him a
chance to languish and seek divine retrospection.
Tue Oct 1 02:14:24 2002
Your Views:Put him behind the bar and
asked him to pay compensation to victims and their family.He should be punished
and not spared.
Tue Oct 1 02:18:37 2002
City, Country:san jose,USA
Views:i think the question here is not whether salman is doomed or
not.the question here is will those poor people get justice or not.and i think
they deserve it. nobody in this world can walk away just like that in to this
society after taking a person's life.
Tue Oct 1 02:20:07 2002
City, Country:USA
Your Views:He is
more or less finished; the guy is a total idiot who thinks a lot of himself. He
got the best girl and all he could do was cheat on her. What a loser!
Tue Oct 1 02:23:29 2002
Country:Minneapolis, USA
Your Views:Rs. 950 bail
for killing a person. wow thatz a deal... I know if u have money u can do
anything in India. But it is surprising 950 will do a whole lot nowadays. Only
an Actor can poach bucks, harass a fellow actress, kill a person and even after
all this get away with it. I wont be surprised if his next movie is a big hit
and even if he gets a National Award for Best Actor.
Tue Oct 1 02:25:42 2002
Your Views:sometimes the press
can blow up an incident to the highest propotion.....if he is at fault then he
should take responsiblity for his act n do the needful
Tue Oct 1 02:27:21 2002
Country:Visakhapatnam, India
Your Views:Salman
should be jailed. Come on! there should be some justice in the country. How can
he be let loose for killing a Human.
Tue Oct 1 02:52:35 2002
Name:Abey G
Country:Ottawa, Canada
Your Views:Who cares? he is
a lousy actor anyway.. Besides, I am quite sure he will easily get away with
this because he has the money and influence. I hope he will show some character
and genuinely help the family of the person who was killed and help those who
are injured.
Tue Oct 1 03:03:07 2002
Country:Detroit, US
Your Views:He'll get off. who
cares for the people who sleep on the footpath. atleast for now, the law doesn't
have the teeth to bite the rich, but can grind in between it's teeth those for
whose protection these laws have been made.
Tue Oct 1 03:16:24 2002
City, Country:Hyderabad
Views:it's so so silly and shameful to think of the people who feel
sorry for salman.come on guys...come to think of it...who is he to us? he's
nothing but one of the most undeservingly idolised lot in India , the film
stars...who can get away with everything they do...get involved in bomb
blasts..kill blackbucks..harass people or even murder them in a stae of
inebriety. don't we have better things or better people to think about?someone
has to drill some brains into the supposedly literate and intelligent class of
people..that whether salman khan gets hanged or gets away with all, all we can
do is sit and watch..that's what we've been doing since our independence.
Tue Oct 1 03:32:39 2002
City, Country:Colorado, USA
Views:Salman khan was a neer do well from the beginning. His acting
prowess is nothing to write home about(his only claim to fame is a bunch of over
developed muscles which anybody can acquire with a stint at the gym). The less
said the better about his behaviour as a human being. What kinda person would go
hunting for extinct animals? A total disregard for esatblished civil laws while
harrassing aishwarya and other people. The question shouldnt be whether his
future is in question. The
question is whether the bombay police have the will to prosecute the guy and
take him to the gallows(he should be in prison for killing extinct wild animals,
let alone killing a hapless beggar in a inebriated state.) Seeing the way sanjay
dutt was let off by successive govts to roam freely and conduct terrorist
operations within and without india, I am dead sure we can see more of salman
and his crime for the time to come. I see a number of articles trying to explain
his behaviour by saying he was a troubled soul. I dont think this guy has a
soul, let alone having a troubled one. The blame for letting this guy loose on a
civil society after he had committed criminal behaviour should lie with the
indian law enforcment authorities and aishwarya rai for not reporting these
incidents. It is clear the guy is psychotic and criminally insane. The indian
police can take a leaf out of the way police in EU or in USA treat celebrities.
Nick nolte was arrested for DUI, let alone killing somebody. Given his deeds
Salman should be more aptly named salman crime khan. -santhosh
Tue Oct 1 04:01:06 2002
City, Country:Saint Louis, MO, USA
Views:It is high time we put this anti-social element behind the bars
for a long time to restore the faith in people that nobody is above the law.
Tue Oct 1 04:03:23 2002
Your Views:this guys got some
serious porblem.his obsession with aishwarya rai and hitting her.i read that in
the magazine that she came into shotting once with a black eye.what kind of
person he is for hitting a girl.after the accident he left the people on the
sidewalk to die and he told his lawyer that one of his bodyguard was driving, he
was drunk too.what a shameless coward he is. I think he should be jailed for
life or death sentence would be good for him.he,s giving a bad name to all of
the indians.
Tue Oct 1 04:06:24 2002
Country:santiago, chile
Your Views:salman khan has
time and again proved that he will remain the brat that he is, irrespective of
the situations. similar to sunjay dutt, this is one person who manages to rub
everyone, including the law, the wrong way. he may come back from the present
crisis, but what remains to be seen is if he can really become a better
Tue Oct 1 04:10:51 2002
Country:Santa Clara,USA
Your Views:I just fail to
comprehend if these guys are Human beings at all .. they do not have any regards
for human life .. a few years ago some Mr. Puru Raj Kumar did the same thing and
got away with it .. they should be put behind bars .. for life .. that is where
Salman belongs behind bars and not in a decent human society
Tue Oct 1 04:11:34 2002
Your Views:I feel he should be punished
for his doing, If we let him loose, it grave unjustice to human race.Nobody is
above the law if the law is truthful to all. It is shock to release him with Rs
950 as bail amount , We should have charged him 1 corer and gave intial amount
to Medical Expenses for those who got hurt and for the died person as
Tue Oct 1 04:17:43 2002
Country:San Jose, CA
Your Views:Hey , leave the guy
alone.It is none of anyones business to comment on his personal life.Stop this
obsession with actors life. Allow law to take its course.
State your views!
Is Salman doomed?
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