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No known threats to Games: Interpol
July 26, 2004 16:11 IST
There are no known threats to the Athens Olympics less than three weeks before the world's largest sporting event starts, the head of the international police organisation said on Monday."We have received no specific information about any specific threats or planned attacks that could occur at the Olympics," Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble told a news conference in Helsinki. Noble made a similar statement in late June. The Athens Games on August 13-29 will be the first summer Olympics since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in United States, and Greece is spending 1 billion euros ($1.23 billion) on security, more than three times the amount spent on the 2000 Sydney Games. As part of Greece's security plan, NATO support on air and sea patrols has been called in, along with units to help in case of nuclear, biological or chemical attacks and a standby special forces unit.
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