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Congress-NCP joint manifesto
October 01, 2004 15:52 IST
Why Democratic Front government again?
Respect for Democratic values & synchronization of secular forces
Fulfills aspiration of 'aam aadmi'
Ideating and initiating well-planned economic growth
Popularity within all strata of society economic, social, religious
Thrust on social justice
Major Thrust & Issues in Focus
Agriculture & Rural Development
Benefits for Farmers
Health & Education
Social Justice
Urban Development & Infrastructure
Pride of Maharashtra
Agriculture & Rural Development
Infertile land
30% subsidy to farmers to bring infertile land under cultivation
Plan to reclaim 30% of 32 Lakh hectares of infertile land
Increase of Rs 200 in the Cotton price under Monopoly Procurement Scheme to Rs 2,700
Reviving and restructuring Sugar Co-operatives
To mitigate over-dependence on rain-water farming
Encourage Agri-allied business Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Dairy Development by offering financial assistance
Encourage Agro Exports through
Developing transport, cargo and storage infrastructure
Expediting Krishna Irrigation Project
Computerization of land records
Grants to farmers to access modern irrigation research
Credit cards for farmers for timely availability of finance
Loans at 6% for purchase of seeds, fertilizers
Benefits to Farmers
Free Electricity for pumps up to 5HP from July 1, 2004
Dues and penal interest waived to extent of 59%
Protection from Private lenders
Soft loaning & Economic subsidies
Creation of 1 Cr jobs
Scope of EGS to be widened to marginal farmers
Pursuing Encouraging Foreign Direct Investment
Industrial Development Centres in Backward areas
Special schemes for small scale and cottage industries
Compensation for acquisition of land for industrial purpose
Job reservation for project displaced
12 % of developed land to be returned to original owners
Formation of separate IT ministry
Special Boards for Unorganized labour to be set up at district levels on the lines of Mathadi Labour Board
20 % reservation in government jobs for financially weak youth
Compulsory wage revision every 3 years, including for farm labour
Health & Education
Target 100 % literacy
Setting up of Task Force for drop-outs
Partnerships with NGOs to promote and improve quality of primary education
Adult education in every village
Focus on Establishing more ITIs
Separate scheme for Below Poverty Line students
Free medical treatment, medicines, food in govt hospital for those earning below Rs 1 lakh per annum
Health & Education
'Health for all' by 2005
Time bound plan to prevent infant & malnutrition deaths, specially in tribal areas
Provision of funds to arrest spread of AIDs and setting up of Guidance Centres at taluka levels
Specialty doctors to be available at taluka hospitals
Grants and Insurance for expensive treatment
Establishment of Water Commission
New sources of water
Jungle Tanks, Village Tanks, Farm Tanks, Rain Water tanks to be encouraged
Spread water literacy & conservation
Every Village to receive tap water in 5 years
Urban Development & Infrastructure
Creation of 'Mumbai Infrastructure Fund' to attract private financing for efficient infrastructure;initial corpus Rs 1500 cr
Setting up Housing Repair Boards for Nagpur, Nashik, Pune, Kolhapur etc and to protect old tenants
Special Task force to resolve urban issues including maintenance of roads, water supply, efficient public transport
Urban Development & Infrastructure
Incentives to Civic Bodies, who raise additional revenues by adopting innovative methods
Development works in 'C' class nagarparishads to be brought under EGS
Focus on Slum improvement and rehabilitation
Social Justice
Special Team for protection & security of Women
Rs 3000 p.m.hike in Honorarium to Rs 7000 p.m. for Freedom Fighters
33% reservation for women in all government jobs
Implement 'Equal Work Equal Pay' policy to eradicate gender discrimination
Availability of cheap and quick finance for Women Entrepreneurs
Facilitate Women participation in Civic bodies and panchayats
Reduction of Domicile period to 15 yrs for SC/ST/VJNT & OBC communities
Availability of Caste certificates at Taluka level
Ensuring financial assistance to backward communities
Execute Time-bound plan to clear employment backlog of SC/ST candidates
Establishment of Balmiki Safai Karmachari Arthik Mahamandal
Devdasi tradition to be banned by legislation
Setting up of Old age homes for senior citizens across Maharashtra
Adequate development funds to be made available to Maulana Azad Corporation for Minorities
CM to head Apex Body for executing 15-point programme for overall development of Minorities
Implementation of Srikrishna Commission in letter and spirit
Special Peace keeping force to maintain communal harmony
Govt officials to be made accountable in the event of communal outbreak
Special Cell to prevent encroachment of Aukaf lands
Regional Focus
Special Financial Initiatives for Vidarbha and other regions to clear budgetary backlog
Financial package for overall development
Vidarbha Rs 777.95 crore
North Maharashtra Rs 287.96 crore
Marathwada Rs 588 crore
Konkan Rs 300 crore
Western Maharashtra Rs 452.56 crore
Pride of Maharashtra
Shiv Chhatrapati Smarak, an international-class Memorial in honour of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Arabian Sea on the lines of Vivekanand Smarak at Kanyakumari at a cost not less than Rs 100 crore
Press Release