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How the survey was done
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September 11, 2007

Market research organisation C fore conducted the survey to rank top B-schools in India for Outlook.  

For the purpose of ranking, B-schools were segmented into four broad categories -- government/public-sector-funded autonomous institutes, private, sectoral (dedicated to certain subjects only) and university departments.

The B-Schools that offered one-year programmes like Indian School of Business (Hyderabad) and Great Lakes in Chennai were not included in the survey.

The survey was open to all B-Schools in India at site where a questionnaire designed for the survey could be downloaded.

Invitations were also sent to over 700 B-Schools to participate.

In all 216 B-Schools participated in the survey.

The validation exercise was carried out by a special team which cross-checked the data by asking for necessary documents like appointment letters, balance sheets, annual report etc. Veracity of information was also checked by 'mystery shopping' method.

The objective scores were obtained by evaluating B-Schools against the following five broad parameters:

1. Intellectual capital
2. Placement performance
3. Infrastructure and facilities
4. Industry interface.
5. International linkages

These were further divided into sub-parameters as shown in the table. The marks were allotted to a B-School against a particular sub parameter by normalising against the topper for that parameter. For example: if marks for median salary were 70 and the highest median salary offered at any institute irrespective of the category is 13 lakhs per annum, then marks allotted to an institute, where median salary offered was Rs 3 lakhs per annum, would be  3/13*70 = 16.15. 

The satisfaction survey of recruiters was conducted online at Seven hundred and thirteen of them participated. The recruiters were asked to rate the graduates of the B-Schools they were familiar with against six parameters namely effectiveness in application of knowledge of subject/skills, analytical skills, communication and presentation skills, creativity, proactive attitude and ability to work in team.

A perceptual survey was also conducted among faculty members of different B-Schools, who were asked to rate the B-Schools that they were familiar with on a ten-point scale against different parameters like intellectual capital, industry interface, infrastructure and placements. The rating that they gave to their own institute was not considered.

The detailed methodology is available at site

Weightages (%)

Placement Performance21
Intellectual Capital23
Industry Interface19
Infrastructure & Facilities19
International Linkages8
Recruiters Satisfaction Survey Score 10

% Student Placed50
ROI Index (Average Salary / Fee)70
Median Salary70
Maximum Salary70
Minimum Salary70
Faculty Perception 70

Books Published (2006-07)50
Papers Published in Indian Journals (2006-07)50
Papers Published in International Journals (2006-07)100
No. of Cases Authored (2006-07)20
Doctoral Programme20
No. of Permanent Faculty sent to international Seminars/ Conferences  (2006-07)20
Faculty / Student Ratio30
Faculty with more than 5 years Industry experience / Student Ratio20
Faculty with PhD / Student Ratio20
Faculty Perception 100

No. of Seminars20
Revenue from Consultancy 50
Revenue from MDPs100
No. of Research Project undertaken with industry30
Incubation Cell25
Corporate Visitors 10
Projects launches by Incubation Cell 25
Faculty Perception 100

Campus area 20
Built-up Area/no. of students ratio60
Computer /no. of students ratio30
No. of books in Library 20
Faculty Cabins/ No. of Faculty ratio10
Electronic databases10
Residential facilities for students10
No. of single occupancy room/Student ratio10
MDP hostel10
WI FI campus 10
Laptop to every student10
Faculty houses/faculty20
Facilities like gym, swimming pool, etc. 30
Faculty perception 100

Student exchange programmes25
Faculty exchange programmes25
Number of students who actually went abroad30
Number of faculty members who actually went abroad30
Number of student who came from abroad 20
Number of faculty members who came from abroad 20


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An Introduction to the Outlook-C fore B-School Survey
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~Top 10 University Departments Offering Business Degrees
~Top Sectoral B-Schools
~Top 50 Private B-Schools
~Top Government B-Schools

Reprinted with kind permission from: Outlook 

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