


| August 30, 2005 |
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|  CAT: Does 'reasoning' puzzle you? Dr Shelly Verma explains the kinds of questions you could expect in CAT's Reasoning Ability section.
This school gets tech-savvy Woodstock School in Mussoorie is fast becoming one of the most well-connected and technologically forward high schools in India.
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| August 25, 2005 |
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|  Studies in Canada? Save this checklist Canada is known to have one of the world's strongest education systems. International overseas counsellor Karan Gupta takes you through study options, application tips, fees and more.
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| August 24, 2005 |
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|  Got a technical bent of mind? Wipro BPO Solutions Ltd is looking for Technical Support Associates and Customer Care Associates.
The ABC of CAT CAT is an integral part for admission to the best management institutes.
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| August 04, 2005 |
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|  CAT: Why English Usage is important Jasveen Grewal, who trains students for CAT, explains why English Usage is an important element in the exam.
It's all about Synchronicity The core theme of the book is simple: If you don't see and allow the synchronicity that reveals the ideal pattern in the events that surround you, then you are doomed to encounter pitfalls and hurdles.
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