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Satyam's Samanvay to nurture families of staff
BS Regional Bureau in Hyderabad |
April 16, 2003 13:38 IST
To encourage creative skills and inculcate learning culture among the family members of its employees, Satyam Computer Services has launched Samanvay which will primarily focus on creating learning opportunities for family members of all ages.
Launched on March 31 at Satyam's Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar and Chennai centres, Samanvay will be extended to the Pune centre on April 17 and the Bangalore centre by the month-end.
The inaugural session consisted of a lecture on 'Happiness is our choice' by B V Pattabhi Ram at the Hyderabad centre and similar sessions at the other two centres.
"The new initiative's mission is to create the space for the Satyam families to interact and bond with each other and to provide learning opportunities to the families for the purpose of learning and development," Renu Khanna, the GM of Satyam Learning Centre, said.
"We hope to do this through a series of interesting activities designed to stimulate the mind and generate learning. The service offerings address the employees' needs in the areas of health, education and counselling, she added. Satyam tied up with Apollo Hospitals for health counselling and camps.
For spouses of the employees, Samanvay provides counselling on health, infant care, managing finances, stress management, relationship management, et cetera.
For children, it tries to impart things like thinking skills, leading a wholesome life, basic computer skills, managing self, communication skills, balancing academics and extra-curricular activities, et cetera.
Parents of the employees will be taught aligning themselves with health and old-age problems, building better relationships within the family, et cetera.
To be run by a core committee of employees and spouses, Samanvay will have support from the 80-member team of Satyam Learning Centre which is a mini-varsity of sorts, where technologists, academics and behavioural researchers provide training to associates.
Multimedia laboratories and a panel consisting of distinguished in-house as well as visiting faculty from reputed educational institutions across the world, were arranged by the company to provide a rich educational resource base.
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