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December 26, 2003 |



Judge Saddam fairly
'It's important to recall that the US and its allies did not go to war to capture Hussein. Rather, they wanted to disarm Iraq of its alleged weapons of mass destruction, not one of which has been found so far.'



November 18, 2003 |



Jaya's Media Misadventure
'Democracy doesn't only mean voting once in five years. It involves the rule of law; parliamentary norms and procedures related to accountability; and a system of inalienable fundamental rights, as well as institutions like a free press.'



November 4, 2003 |



Hindutva's strategic crisis
'It's our collective tragedy that the RSS is the chief leader and guide of our present national leaders. We urgently need a leadership change!'



October 22, 2003 |



Don't Privatise Oil Companies
'The assumption that privatisation is the only route to modernising PSEs has repeatedly proved wrong.'



October 1, 2003 |



The Struggle For A Pluralist Society
'In India, the greatest obstacle to multiculturalism is Hindutva and Hindu majoritarianism, which places a premium on Hinduness and holds Hindu culture to be superior to all others.'



September 03, 2003 |



Cancel the Sharon visit!
'The Vajpayee government is bringing ignominy and shame upon itself by honouring a fanatical leader like Mr Sharon.'



August 9, 2003 |



Keep Out Of Iraq's Quagmire
'It would be suicidal for India to collude with US plans for Empire. Collusion will bring India into hostile confrontation with political forces and ethnic-religious groups that it must live with.'



July 11, 2003 |



IT experts or cyber-coolies?
'Setting our goals in accordance with our people's needs is the only way we can move from being cyber-coolies to dignified workers who control the labour processes they work under.'


July 2, 2003 |



Ayodhya: Let the courts prevail
'The temple issue, which catapulted the BJP into power and once united different Hindutva streams, now divides them sharply.'


June 24, 2003 |



Don't sanctify US Empire!
'There is no reason why a single Indian soldier should go to Iraq and shed blood for the US. The US will make billions of dollars by withdrawing its own soldiers and making Indians die.


June 17, 2003 |



BJP's leadership fissures
'Vajpayee is an extremely insecure man. Whoever has confronted him in the Jana Sangh/BJP has been brutally punished.'


June 10, 2003 |



Rethink upper-caste quotas
'The function of quotas is to uplift a whole community of underprivileged people whose aspirations were crushed for centuries. The function is political, rather than economic. This rationale doesn't apply to upper castes, however poor,' says Praful Bidwai.


June 3, 2003 |



BJP, Thirteenth Time Lucky?
'The BJP has consolidated its grip on the NDA -- year after year, reshuffle after Cabinet reshuffle. But in the process, it has demonstrated its own weaknesses, its boundless opportunism, and the limits of Vajpayee's authority,' says Praful Bidwai.


May 27, 2003 |



Strange Bedfellows
The value of personal interaction between Indians and Pakistanis cannot be overemphasised. It is a precondition for overcoming deep-rooted prejudices, removing suspicion and distrust, says Praful Bidwai.


May 20, 2003 |



A tale of two visits
The value of personal interaction between Indians and Pakistanis cannot be overemphasised. It is a precondition for overcoming deep-rooted prejudices, removing suspicion and distrust, says Praful Bidwai.


May 13, 2003 |



McCarthyism's Indian rebirth
'Pro-Hindutva NRIs in North America are among those spearheading this campaign of intolerance, especially on email circuits.'


May 6, 2003 |



India, Pak: Walk The Talk!
'It is irrelevant to ask if Vajpayee's talk gambit will succeed, because it's now being made from a position of strength, unlike before Lahore or Agra.'


April 29, 2003 |



Welcome move on Kashmir
'Piloting a peace process will need statesmanship. Even more difficult will be the domestic Kashmir reconciliation agenda.'


April 22, 2003 |



Of Lies, Trickery & Deception
'The most hypocritical aspect of the present war is that it's being waged in the name of WMD disarmament by states which haven't the least intention of disarming their own WMD.'


April 15, 2003 |



Grave perils of 'pre-emption'
'Public-spirited citizens everywhere must demand that their governments don't recognise either an "interim" US-led administration or a puppet government in Iraq.'


April 07, 2003 |



The Emperor's new clothes
'What makes the war especially loathsome is that it's being fought in the name of the very people it is turning into a mass of bleeding bodies and severed limbs.'


April 01, 2003 |



'Shock And Awe' Kills Innocents
'The US has a huge credibility problem. It has blundered in underestimating the strength of Arab nationalism and its own unpopularity in Iraq's neighbourhood.'


