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July 28, 2008
India: A weakening civilisation
Does the UPA think the common citizen of India is a nitwit and that he does not understand that on one hand, if the Government of India keeps pointing fingers at Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence, or at some Bangladesh outfit, it is to deflect the fact that most of the recent terror attacks have been perpetrated by Indian Muslims, with or without Pakistani or Bangladeshi (or Al Qaeda) help?
May 16, 2007
The myth of Mayawati's success
'UP has shown India and the world how caste and religion can be manipulated to the maximum cynical extent.'
February 16, 2007
The truth about Aurangzeb
What we need today in India -- and indeed in the world -- is a Dara Shikoh
February 05, 2007
Is India headed the right way?
'The Westernisation of India must not be at the cost of her culture and spirituality.'
August 01, 2006
Doping, truth and the media
The ultimate irony is that the first to condemn Gatlin or Landis are the organisers, the sponsors, and the media, those who made millions out of them.
July 03, 2006
We need an India based on merit, not on caste
'Upper caste children have to migrate abroad, because merit is not sufficient to get admission in university.'
June 15, 2006
Anti-Brahmanism should stop!
'The future of this country lies in a unified India, where all will feel Indians first and belonging to this caste or that one, after.'
May 23, 2006
Are Brahmins the Dalits of today?
'The tragedy of modern India is that the combined votes of Dalits/OBCs and Muslims are enough for any government to be elected.'
February 17, 2006
Why is India giving France the cold shoulder?
'The Bush visit has pushed the French president's visit to the back page.'
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