Commentary/Mani Shankar Aiyar
Planning is not just a socialist concept. It is a capitalist tool too
Chidambaram has quarrelled with Dandavate - and leaked it to the
press. The Cabinet has resolved the quarrel - and leaked that
too to the press. The National Development Council has been
convened for January 16 -- and this has been announced in the press.
The Ninth Five Year Plan is on the anvil -- and all this milna-bichachadna
is par for the course.
The question is: Should the country be at all discussing an Approach
to Ninth Plan which is par for the course, no more than a warming
up of the approach papers of the past with the numbers updated
to take account of inflation? For the document Dandavate has drafted
could have been drafted by Mahalanobis. Do we not need a Manmohanised
Plan for the Era of Manmohanomics?
Frankly, I do not know what exactly Manmohan Singh would prescribe
by way of planning for Manmohanist goals. But I do know that we
cannot be internally consistent in our economic policies, unless
we recognise that the role assigned to the market in Manmohanism
is so significantly different to what we have known in the last
eight plans. That unless this paradigm shift is taken as the very
basis of the Ninth Plan approach, the dysfunction between Yojana
Bhawan and Raisina Hill, which led to Rao calling virtually no
meetings of the Planning Commission during his entire tenure,
will only grow.
And before you start applauding Rao's wisdom in consigning the
Planning Commission to Jurassic Park, reflect that many of the
most successful market driven economies have had the most elaborate
apparatus to plan capitalist growth paths. This apparatus sets
the parameters within which markets function efficiently, which
means competitively, sensitively, flexibly.
It was macro-economic planning that took the United States under
FDR out of the Depression and into the American century; which
staged the Japanese economic miracle after World War II; which
wrought the South Korean transformation into an East Asian Tiger;
which pulled France and Italy from the position of the sick men
of Europe into market leaders; and fuelled in Britain the Thatcher
revolution. Planning is not just a socialist concept. It is a
capitalist tool too.
Unfortunately, this is not a truth that could have dawned on Madhu
Dandavate -- for some minds are mired in Laski and open to no
later truth. I have not seen the approach paper - which will presumably
remain for another fortnight at least, till the NDC meets, a closely-guarded
state secret. But reports in the media indicate that we are back
to the same old tried game of numbers. What the size of the plan
will be, what are the projected growth rates, savings rates, investment
rates, the assumed incremental capital: output ratio, etc, etc,
That all such numbers have proved in the past to be fantasies
takes away none of the zest from the game. Like pinball enthusiasts,
planners keep pumping with glazed eyes the lever of the One Arm
Bandit, praying one day, some day, to hit the jackpot. I sometimes
think the only purpose of planning in India is to set term papers
for economics (hons) students!
We cannot leave it at that any longer if we are to take India
into the 21st century. For remember just one number -- the Ninth
Plan will take us into the 21st century: 1996 to 2001 AD. The
path to the next millennium is being charted by a hydra-headed
minority at cross-purposes with itself. Hence, the easy resort
to the number games of the past instead of innovative thinking for
the future.